We moved house. During the last three months we ran through all the procedures (and problems) you can think of. And finally we now are lucky enough that the local mayor lobbied for really fast internet connections in our community. Good things want to have it – now we are hoping for better mobile access soon.

But no more complaints! We and our huskies are living happily on a timberwork homestead with a nice parcel of land. And there is a lot of open range around us. The kennel has been approved again, and now we are hoping for pups from Finn (JCh Zaltana Heart On Fire of Savannah Town) out of Nukka (MBISB Almundis of Kahnawake). Nukka is co-owned by us and we are very happy that her family with whom she is living near our old home Marburg, and Finn’s owner Simone Ebardt-Heidt made this pairing possible for our litter C. Soon we will know if this plan will become real. 🙂
In April, Ezri will be checked for approval. All health test results are very promising, and she is maturing nicely, so that with the good Lord willing, it cannot go wrong.
Best of all – people are awsome around here. We quickly found friends among neighbors, young people helping with the dogs, and they call us by the name of the estate, Etjes, which really is an honor! 🙂