The H’Babies Turned 2 Years

Beginning in the evening of December 1st 2022, Opra (Inner Vision Wolfblood) gave birth to her second litter, three girls and two boys, all of them active and demanding, even though the last one had me waiting very long. Five pretty strong pups, with weights between 1.0 and 1.1 lbs (460 – 500 g), so for Opra it was hard work to deliver them and she had to take long breaks after the second and the forth baby. But she was doing fine and nothing happened that made us worry, so we gave her time.

The puppies grew nicely, were healthy and were adopted by great families who have been keeping us posted about their babies ever since.

Heloise Of Kahnawake "Kira" Hermione Of Kahnawake "Leeta" Hedwig Of Kahnawake "Hedda" Harold Bluetooth Of Kahnawake "Floki" Hyacinth Of Kahnawake "Halo"

During the last two years, Heloise called Kira, Hermione called Leeta, Hedwig called Hedda, Harold Bluetooth called Floki (and sometimes even Rambo) and Hyacith called Halo have turned their furever families lives upside down.

Last year, Kira and her family moved to their far away hometown Bangalore, where she won the hearts of all their relatives and friends, even of those who were scared of dogs. Leeta stayed with us and swaps trail and catwalk (almost having finished her first champion title). Floki, while claiming the meadows along the river Eder as his realm, is evolving from a Viking warrior into a gentleman. Hedda and Halo both got two-legged siblings of the same sex. Hedda occasionally is running in the mixed team of her mushing trainer, explored Norway with her family and serves as her little sister’s guard. For a while, Halo took command over his home like a king, but he learned that even kings do have duties and obligations and conform to courtly etiquette. He dearly loves his brother prince.

Heloise Of Kahnawake "Kira"

Hermione Of Kahnawake "Leeta"

Hedwig Of Kahnawake "Hedda" Harold Bluetooth Of Kahnawake "Floki"

Hyacinth Of Kahnawake "Halo"

We are very happy that we found the perfect homes for our H’babies.

It was Opra’s last litter. The queen has retired from her duties and has begun to enter the royal hall – sorry, the ring again and she really enjoys strutting her stuff. And we are very happy, we kept Leeta. She is a boon for our pack and the kennel and she makes us proud hitting the trail and the ring. 

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Siberian Huskies of Kahnawake