just for fun

29 posts


Kira and Sisko

The little goblets and ribbons we achieved so far were scarcely noticed in the cabinet. But now, thanks to a friend in Switzerland, I have the perfect accessories: Kira and Sisko as glove puppets, made by hand with great love and attention to details. Rita, you’re just amazing! If anybody wants a […]

Happy New Year

Happy New Year!

We the team and family of Siberian Huskies of Kahnawake are sending our best wishes for next year to all our friends, fellow breeders and partners – live long and prosper! 😉 Just for fun presenting some new pictures of the little rascals – and of course the big ones as well: […]

Lovely days in fall

Some trees standing around the house had to be cut down, because they have grown to big. But apart from that we are enjoying these days. Kiras belly is gradually getting bigger and so she is taking things easier now. The weather is quite nice, and fall is wonderfully coulouring the leaves. […]