Benedictus of Kahnawake

Call Name: Tio
Stud Book No.: VDH/DCNH SH 16440/18
Breeder: Iris Kammerer (FCI/VDH/DCNH)
Owner: Katharina Lanz & Paul Hübner
DOB: 2017/03/17
Coat: black – white (tanpoint domino)
Eyes: brown/brown
Hips: A1 (06/13/2020, DMV Heinrich Camp, Kleve)
Eye result: eyes clear, Gonioscopy clear (ECVO/DOK test 03/13/2019 by DMV Nina Müller, Pohlheim)
COI: 0,00 % / AVK 95.16 % (calculated for 6 generations)

Approved For Breeding

by specialty judge Noel Baaser (DE) on 08/01/2020 in Bad Buchau.

Size according to protocol:

withers length chest bust
59.5 cm / 23.4 in 68 cm / 26.8 in 26,5 cm / 10.4 in 75 cm / 29.5 in

Conformation Assessment Report (translated by me):

Very friendly male with an excellent overall appearance.
Rectangular built of excellent type and expression, strong bones, excellently muscled. Head typical for the breed with pronounced stop. Scissor bite (right mandibular P3 missing, vet’s certificate at hand). Almond shaped dark brown eyes, correctly set. Ears set high, carried typically. Strong neck of medium length, straight and strong topline with correct croup. Tail set and carried correctly. Forehand straight and set parallel with excellent chest proportions. Parallel hindquarters with typical angulations. Oval and closed paws. Smooth movement with enough ground cover, parallel in all quarters, tail carried a little cheerfully. Typical coat in dark gray, black and white, slightly blown. Black pigmentation.

Character: excellent

Approved for breeding for lifetime, no limitations


BISS MCh Balance Master Speigas (©Monique van Ree-Hagg)
Zausel's Red Rose
JCh Zausel’s Red Rose (07/13/2017, ©Tanja Backes)


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Tio was the firstborn in our litter B, being a son of the late Salai (Balance Master Speigas) out of our Kira (Zausel’s Red Rose). His distinguished features are his confidence and his striking resemblence to his sire.

Tio lives in the Bregenz Forest (Vorarlberg/Austria, near Lake Constance) right above Bregenz with a sportive couple, leading an active and mobile life – mountaineering, hiking, canicross, travelling, all kinds of winter sports. He is an athletic dog who loves to run, free of aggression, compliant with people and other dogs and very attentive.

Tio shows his friendly nature particularly with children, and he is very charming with females of all kinds and species. 😉

He is eager to learn, and all his qualities and skills made it possible for his owners to undertake a very special hiking tour. Together with his niece Maya and her owners they finished a trek across the Alps from Oberstorf to almost Meran in August 2020. During the tour this rope party encountered almost anything that can happen on a mountain trek – inculding snowfall and frost in summer. Together humans and dogs grew a lot by pulling through many troubles and even dangers.

Tio Crossing The Alps

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The Team

Because he is the spitting image of his beautiful sire we urged his owners to have him approved for breeding.


Tio sired our Litter F (Tio x Opra, 12/30/2020, 3 females)

  • Frideswith Of Kahnawake called Talvi
  • Felicity Of Kahnawake called Feli
  • Frances Of Kahnawake called Phoebe

Tio is open for stud to approved Siberian Husky females according to rules and regulations of the FCI.

If you want to know more about Tio, please contact his owners Katharina Lanz and Paul Huebner.


Photos by courtesy of Victoria Rüf & Fabian Willi (, Paul Hübner & Katharina Lanz (Vannomaden), Monique van Ree-Hagg (Salai), Tanja Backes (Dogcellent), Katharina Dippel & Marcel Kraus (Alpencross).

Siberian Huskies of Kahnawake
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Siberian Huskies Of Kahnawake, Owner: Helmut Kammerer (Registered business address: Germany), processes personal data only to the extent strictly necessary for the operation of this website. All details in the privacy policy.
Data protection
Siberian Huskies Of Kahnawake, Owner: Helmut Kammerer (Registered business address: Germany), processes personal data only to the extent strictly necessary for the operation of this website. All details in the privacy policy.